5 Companies with Good Social Responsibility Practices

05 March 2019

5 Companies with Good Social Responsibility Practices

5 Companies with Good Social Responsibility Practices
ironment; Buy responsibly; Support surrounding communities; Be an employer of reference.

As it is impossible to list all the projects supported and developed by the Group, I highlight one project from each country where it operates. span>

In Portugal, a partnership with ?Projeto Semear?, supports young adults with difficulty intellectual and development, through projects that allow them to overcome barriers to their socio-professional inclusion.

In Poland, in partnership with Instytut Matki i Dziecka (Institute of Mother and Child), sell products from the Milk Start brand at cost price, aiming to combat malnutrition among the most disadvantaged Polish children.

In Colombia, between 2014 and 2016, they supported the initiative "Madres Comunitaria" offering more 14,750 food baskets for childminders who care for children from families with few financial resources.

How good coffee tastes, right? But talking about Delta is much more than talking about coffee. Since its founding, Delta has developed its own management model, Human Face, which is based on dialogue, responsible entrepreneurship and disruptive innovation.

With a social responsibility strategy attentive to the needs of all employees, Delta remains concerned with developing the communities where is part of (created the Centro Educativo Alice Nabeiro), to reduce the ecological footprint and offset the carbon footprint, to promote corporate volunteering (Associação Coração Delta-Cafés) or to investing in the training of its employees and beyond (it created the Escola Grão Mayor and the Comendador Rui Nabeiro International Postgraduate Center).

I highlight a project: the protocol with the Lisbon Prison Establishment for the implementation of a repair workshop in the establishment, administering training and paying inmates for their work, with the aim of promoting reintegration into the job market.

With almost 100 years of history, Portugália, the Portuguese Brewery, innovates every day, but continues to focus on the quality of traditional food. The inauguration took place on June 10th and was featured in the newspaper, this house became a meeting point for many Portuguese people.

Aware that they have been marking generations, the Portugália Group views its role in society with internal social responsibility policies and external. When they created this area in the company they called it: Portugália Viva.

Internally, they seek to support employees who find themselves in situations of social, economic or family vulnerability through specialized advice on moments of crisis, concrete help and support at the beginning of the school year.

Externally, they collaborate with organizations in the communities where they are located, supporting mainly with the preparation of meals and participating in strategic reflection to local development.

Resiquímica is a Portuguese company specializing in resins and binders in the areas of coverings, building and construction, which has been developing a project of great involvement with the community and proof of this is its annual social responsibility reports.

Favoring collaboration with entities in the municipality where they operate, there are many initiatives to which they contribute in kind, materials and financially.

In addition to these, they also focus on social practices in employees, the environment, the market and suppliers, they act in the areas educational, environmental and social and promote volunteering among their employees, providing them with hours of working time for volunteering actions, prioritizing corporate initiatives.

The Aquinos Group, founded more than 30 years ago, currently represents one of the largest and most modern sofa and mattress factories in Europe .

Faced with the fires that devastated the central area last year, the Aquinos Group quickly reacted with the delivery of food and mattresses to the firefighters who were fighting the flames, they opened the doors of their canteen to all those affected and equipped the pavilions that welcomed the displaced with mattresses as well.

This is how they created Aquinos We Care, a project within the scope of citizenship and social responsibility that unfolds into initiatives. Some examples include the delivery of the Baby Aquinos baskets, the allocation of a fire-fighting vehicle to the Tábua Volunteer Firefighters, the creation of a Permanent Intervention Group in the Aquinos Industrial Parkin Sinde or by donating sofas and mattresses to families who lost their homes in the fires.

Here at Forall Phones, we have Forall Social as one of the pillars of the entire company and we want to establish ourselves as a socially responsible brand from the beginning. Discover on our website what we have been doing and join us in this mission to make the world a better place!

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

NOTE: There is no type of classification or preference in The 5 companies chosen for this article are just an example of different dimensions and areas of activity. I am grateful for the collaboration of Ana Lia Piatok de Mattos and Joana Lobo, specialists in RSC.


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and I'm doing a master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been a community shaper since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.


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